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Just before Christmas, Michael was in London's acoustically splendid Henry Wood Hall for a recording of the Brahms 4th Symphony, Ravel's La Valse, and Glazunov's Violin Concerto with violinist Igor Pikayzen and conductor Gian Paolo Peloso leading the London Philharmonic Orchestra in a project for Warners Music.
Michael Fine's Trumpet Concerto will have it's world premiere in November with Paul Merkelo as soloist, La Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Guanajuato (OSUG) and Maestro Juan Carlos Lomónaco. Lomónaco previously conducted the world concert premiere of Fine's 'Brother Fox.' The new Trumpet Concerto was inspired by Fine's recording sessions with Paul Merkelo in Moscow in 2019. Michael Fine has previously conducted and recorded with OSUG.
The Manitoba Chamber Orchestra's 50th anniversary season includes the world premiere of Michael Fine's Flute Concerto Nr 1 with flutist Alice K. Dade and conductor Scott Yoo. Fine's Concerto joins Bach's Orchestral Suite Nr 2 featuring Alice and Bartok's Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste for the program on November 9, also available on-line https://www.themco.ca/concert/dade-yoo/ Alice Dade has previously performed and recorded Michael Fine's 'Skipping Stones' and 'Flute Quintet.'
Gautier Capuçon's latest album - Sensations will be released in November by Warners Classics. It's an eclectic collection of classical and classic popular music with arrangements by Jérôme Ducros, also on piano, with the Orchestre National de Bretagne and conductor Johanna Malangré. Michael Fine produced the sessions in Rennes with engineer Jin Choi. Here's Piaf's iconic 'La vie en Rose' from the sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKBbxiUYHw
Naxos announces the October release of Paul Merkelo's recording of Russian Trumpet Concertos with Hans Graf leading the magnificent Russian National Orchestra. The recording, made in 2019, includes the world premiere of Timofei Dokschitzer's version of Shostakovich's Piano Concerto 1 (Jae-Hyuck Cho, piano) with an enhanced solo trumpet part along with the Weinberg and Arutiunian Concertos. The widow of Weinberg attended the sessions at the Zarayadye Hall. The Shostakovich has been released with the permission and support of the Shostakovich estate. Michael Fine produced and edited the sessions with engineer Erdo Groot. The recording can be heard in DOLBY Atmos on Apple Music and QuBuzz. https://naxosdirect.no/items/arutiunian-shostakovich-weinberg-trumpet-co...
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