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  • June 2019

    Scott Yoo will lead an extraordinary ensemble of musicians from top US orchestras

    Scott Yoo will lead an extraordinary ensemble of musicians from top US orchestras in the world premiere of Michael Fine's Chamber Symphony on 18 June in Colorado Springs.  The performance, a faculty concert, is part of the Colorado College Summer Music Festival.  
  • June 2019

    SONY Classics announced the release this month

    SONY Classics announced the release this month of Bion Tsang's recording of the Dvorak and Enescu Cello Concertos, recorded with Scott Yoo and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in Glasgow last year.  Michael Fine produced with recording with engineer Wolf-Dieter Karwatky.
  • June 2019

    Moscow's beautiful new Zaryadye Concerthall was the venue for two recordings in Moscow with pianist Jae-Hyuck Cho

    Moscow's beautiful new Zaryadye Concerthall was the venue for two recordings in Moscow with pianist Jae-Hyuck Cho, trumpet soloist Paul Merkelo, and Maestro Hans Graf conducting the Russian National Orchestra.  Jae-Hyuck Cho recorded Rachmaninoff's Piano Concertos 2 and 3 along with Shostakovich's 1st Piano Concerto in a version with an extended trumpet part inspired by the transcription of legendary Russian trumpeter Timofei Dokschitzer, played by Paul Merkelo.  Merkelo also recorded Aratunian's Trumpet Concerto and the concerto of  Mieczyslaw Weinberg.  We were honored that the composer's widow, Mrs Olga Weinberg, was in the hall for the sessions.  Michael Fine produced the sessions with Erdo Groot, engineer. (Photograph by Sergei Tischenko)
  • June 2019

    Norman Krieger continues to champion Michael Fine's Six Little Preludes

    Norman Krieger continues to champion Michael Fine's Six Little Preludes at a recital in the Arendal Kulturhus in Norway on 3 June. This was also the first performance of Michael's music in Norway.  Norman has performed Six Little Preludes all over the US, including Carnegie Hall, since giving the world premiere in Salt Lake City at the Gina Bachauer series.

  • May 2019

    Michael Fine's Concerto for Oboe Section

    Michael Fine's Concerto for Oboe Section, commissioned by the Arkansas Symphony and its Music Director Philip Mann received its world premiere on 4 May with a repeat performance the next day at the Robinson Center in Little Rock.  The soloists were Leanna Renfro, Lorraine Duso Kitts, and Beth Wheeler.  You can hear the performance here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J48_LtaG84k.  The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette wrote: 


    'Michael Fine's Concerto for Oboe Section and String Orchestra -- a work suggested to the composer by Mann and receiving its first public performance with the ASO -- displayed the virtuosity of the orchestra's three accomplished oboists, Leanna Renfro, Lorraine Duso Kitts and Beth Wheeler (who also did double-duty at times on the English horn).
    The three-movement concerto grosso also highlighted the lush sinuosity of the ASO string section, which continually engaged in collaborative interplay with the oboists. Fine's bright, accessible composition led the superbly balanced players from a yearningly nostalgic beginning through a lilting larghetto to delightful pizzicato-punctuated dance rhythms.'


    The music is available at https://webshop.donemus.nl/action/front/sheetmusic/16516.  The photograph of the performance is by Kelly Hicks Photography.